Tuesday 12 April 2011

Story Board

I have decided to go for the first 30 seconds of the music as this is the section where there are most changes in the music. This makes it easier to work the animation with the sounds that are happening in the music. As the music didnt have a end point after 30seconds I have faded it out so it doesnt just stop dead.

Little monster guy listening to his headphones walking to the beat of the music.

Buildings pop in from the side and the sun pops into the sky.

Bird Monsters fly across the sky leaving a colourful trail of shapes and patterns.

12 seconds in singing starts. Two more monsters step out from behind the first and mouth the words asif they are singing it.

The buildings slide out and trees slide in to show change of scene, now walking through park.

Rainbow of colours and shapes appear from behind making patterns in the sky.

23seconds in a second lot of singing starts. Two new monsters step out to join the singing.
Music to fade in last two seconds.

All the monsters will be different but for simplicty in the story board i have stuck to a basic monster.

Little Lilly and Naughty Ned

This is a quick 3second animation i created using 12frames per second. A lot of effort for a very short outcome but it worked better than i thought it would!
Basic story line...ned pulls lillys hair which makes her let go of her balloon and drop her ice cream. Lilly ends up in tears. Ned pulls on her hair too hard resulting in him pulling her hair out. When he realises what he has done he looks shocked.

Monday 11 April 2011

Graffiti animation.

Love the characters used in this animation. Really like the abstract story line and how it all flows together.

Friday 8 April 2011

First attempt at stop motion!

So this was mine and Danni's first attempt at a stop motion video. The actual video was in colour and full screen but some how the computer decided to chop the right hand side of the screen of and make it black and white. I will try upload a better version at a later date. We kept it simple using two action figures and making them fight. The basic story line is the two figures enter the shot and bow to each other. The bigger power ranger one then flips her head round to reveal her mask. They then tumble around fighting for a while (you get a nice shot of my hand that needs editing out) and then the big power ranger kicks the little guy and walks off screen. Enjoy! :/

Stop Motion Research!

I wanted to research into other ways of carrying out stop motion animation other than using drawings. These are a few interesting techniques found.

I love how simple this technique is but how much thought and effort must have gone into the creation of it. Moving each one of the post-it notes for each frame must have been time consuming. The squares create the effect of an old games console with pixalated images and a square grid layout. I really like the over all effect of the technique used.

This idea uses lego blocks and i love the outcome. Could be so simply done to create some amazing effects. I dont like the digitally animated parts of the video i think it spoils its simplicity. Might give this a go at home see if i can create a small clip.

This idea uses a square block of candles, lighting certain candles in each frame. Really effective technique and also think it could work really well in the dark so there was more contrast in the lights.