Tuesday 12 April 2011

Story Board

I have decided to go for the first 30 seconds of the music as this is the section where there are most changes in the music. This makes it easier to work the animation with the sounds that are happening in the music. As the music didnt have a end point after 30seconds I have faded it out so it doesnt just stop dead.

Little monster guy listening to his headphones walking to the beat of the music.

Buildings pop in from the side and the sun pops into the sky.

Bird Monsters fly across the sky leaving a colourful trail of shapes and patterns.

12 seconds in singing starts. Two more monsters step out from behind the first and mouth the words asif they are singing it.

The buildings slide out and trees slide in to show change of scene, now walking through park.

Rainbow of colours and shapes appear from behind making patterns in the sky.

23seconds in a second lot of singing starts. Two new monsters step out to join the singing.
Music to fade in last two seconds.

All the monsters will be different but for simplicty in the story board i have stuck to a basic monster.

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